9 tools to help you with Reddit
This week I'll show you 9 tools that will help you get the most out of Reddit to market your startup
Reddit is one of my favorite social media. You can find in here communities that will help you with any startup you can build!
I use it to validate my ideas, test my landing page and even sell my product. But it's hard to monitor and jump on the right conversations.
Here are 9 tools that will help you with Reddit:
1. Monitoring
Reddit is VAST. Way too much to be scrolled to check for new posts or comments.
If you want to be active on Reddit, I highly recommend using any keyword monitor application.
The concept is easy: you put the keywords and the communities you want to monitor, and they send you an email for every match.
Here are a few options:
f5bot: A free tool, unlimited keywords. Email notifications only
Spygather: Freemium, Email and Slack notifications
Syften: Monitor a TON of communities (not Reddit only), but no Free plan!
2. Search
Reddit can be intimidating. It's hard to know where to search and which subreddits could be a match for your product/service.
Gummysearch: A tool that lets you find Reddit communities and your potentials customers
Mapofreddit: A crazy tool to explore Reddit as a map!
3. Subreddit Stats
Another way to find some communities on Reddit is to check the stats. You can learn a ton with them: what's trendy, what's not, and where you should put your marketing efforts (even your ads!).
Here are a few tools to help you:
Frontpagemetrics: To get the big picture at a glance
Redditlist: A list of all the subreddits, sorted by they're subscriber's count
Subredditstats: Get the stats of all the subs (including comments/post per day, comments/post per subscriber, votes…)
You can get a weekly newsletter of the best Reddit posts, sorted by topics if you subscribe to:
Unreadit - The best Reddit content in your inbox
Weekly emails with the very best Reddit links and posts on your favorite topics.
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If you need help with marketing, here is how I can help:
Want to launch your startup? Get UserBooster
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See you next week!
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